Never Give Up | Move past your crippling imposter syndrome

I have spent most of my life thinking whatever I create is not good enough or will never succeed. This exact thought pattern has stopped me countless times from reaching the expectations I set for myself and the projects I start.

The constant battle between expectation and reality has spanned certain moments of my life into turmoil, which is hard to accept as I reach the age of Thirty. The pattern of giving up before anyone has even used your invention is a sure way to eat at your future mentality.

There are countless projects I have started and not released, and the only way to accept that and move on is to count them as lessons. Not lessons in the traditional sense that you learned how to design and prototype something or taught yourself new skills. The lesson here is you gave up. You convinced yourself before anyone told you the product would never work, and you gave up.

There’s no sugarcoating this lesson; it’s hard to learn, and trust me when I say it’s best to learn it a lot earlier than I am.

All I can say is that the difference between you and the person who made it is that they didn’t give up. Simple as that. The mechanism that allowed them to achieve this is pure grit and determination, nothing else.

So if you are like me and have been crippled by imposter syndrome or the cycle of thought that your project is not going to be big enough even to hit your expectation. Read this sentence well. You are NEVER finished.

Whatever it is, you do, be it crafting, building, writing. A straightforward quest supplements all this, and that quest is never to give up. Never look back and think, what if? Always look forward and ask what could?

As soon as that voice in your head pops up and says, hey, I don’t think this is good enough, or Hey, nobody could surely have any use for this thing. You have to stop that thought. It’s your psyche trying to get in the way of accomplishment. You don’t honestly know unless that thing has been in front of many people and you have had the insurmountable feedback of, “No, this doesn’t work”.

So, to leave this post on a positive note, I’m looking forward to the present and future of accomplishments, and I hope you are there with me, NEVER giving up.






2 responses to “Never Give Up | Move past your crippling imposter syndrome”

  1. Tina Avatar

    The struggle with self-doubt and the nagging feeling that our creations don’t measure up is something many of us grapple with, myself included. Your candid reflection on unfinished projects (of which I have my fair share) really resonated with me and served as a refreshing reminder for me to revisit some of these endeavors.

    I compiled a list of resources on imposter syndrome for my own use, but I thought it might be helpful to share with anyone here looking to dive deeper into the topic:

    1. Harry NC Avatar

      I’m glad the post inspired you to revisit some past endeavours. Thank you for sharing those helpful resources, I will be sure to study them for any hidden insights.