El Estepario Siberiano

The Myth of Natural Talent | What we can all learn from El Estepario Siberiano

From hobbyist to sensation, it’s mindset and persistence, not magic, that crafts mastery.

If you are like me, you are most fascinated by people who can achieve incredible skill mastery. When I witness a genius such as El Estepario Siberiano in action, I want to know how they reached such levels.

In my early years, I believed these people were different from me, born with a hidden talent or had access to a unique network that got them somewhere. I thought these things were unattainable for the average person and would never happen. So, ultimately, there is no point in trying hard, and what’s the point if someone has already got there?

Over time, I discovered this narrative is entirely false and counter-productive in reaching a goal. It seems obvious to read out loud, but honestly, it happens to the majority of us without even realising it. We don’t like gaps in our knowledge and tend to fill them with assumptions and prejudices. The protective mechanisms our brains develop to conserve our ego and make us feel comfort will eventually lead us to mediocrity and denial.

If there is one thing I would like to do with this post, it is to remind you that anything is possible. The path many people took to reach mastery or notoriety is one that you can take, and it IS attainable.

Who is El Estepario Siberiano?

Siberiano has been posting on YouTube since 2011 through different channels, and until recent times, @ElEsteparioSiberiano was not well known. Now, he is known for the insane speed and accuracy of his drumming. Remixing tracks with ludicrous grooves and polyrhythms and recorded single-handed drum covers of the most challenging tunes using his unforgettable style and showmanship.

Before becoming the drumming behemoth he is today, Siberino tells how he started to approach practising drums with a different mindset that changed his trajectory in the craft.

Sabriano has found a knack for capturing people’s attention, growing to 3M subscribers in as little as three years, half of that in the last year alone. When writing, Siberiano had 640 videos and 630M views across his channel.

On rare occasions, he unpacks the secret to his drumming genius. There is something so inspiring about how he approaches his craft. Something we can all learn from and utilise in our lives. His story is not about technique but mindset and pure determination. These key characteristics transformed him from an okay drummer to an extraordinary and YouTube icon.

He describes the early days of playing the drums up to Eighteen. He was to play for 1 hour daily with intermittent breaks between practice days. At this stage, he explains that his mindset was akin to a hobbyist’s. He liked to play the drums, but the key to changing his situation was to alter his mindset completely. The revelation he had ten years ago was to evolve his thoughts. In a video, he explained it transformed from “I don’t care about my drumming” to “I’m going to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to be the best drummer I can be”.

At this moment, he intended to do “WHATEVER IT TAKES.” This mindset empowers you from half-assed 1-hour practice sessions every so often. To insane 6-hour plus practice sessions daily, no breaks, and no holidays.

The powerful message here is: Your position in the future depends only and exclusively on your ability to work for what you want. On giving your best every single day to become a better musician.

Siberiano reinforces this sentiment, “Since I decided I wanted to be a drummer, I haven’t missed not even one single day of practice for YEARS. I have worked as hard as I possibly could every single day. I couldn’t give a shit about anything else than drums. I have worked while drumming, studied, and rearranged ALL my life around drumming all day.

So please, if you’re struggling with ANY endeavour. Just work harder on that. Make it your obsession. The centre of your life. And seriously, fuck everything else. If you make your passion a goal and work as much as you can. I assure you that you will progress as much as you want.

There is no talent. No one is born with a magical ability to do things. That’s bullshit that creates a mental gap between you and your idols. Every one of you has the same potential as every single artist that you know. I swear. So, if you want to make the next step in your musical journey, let me tell you that your progress will be as big as the amount of work you do.”

Siberiano’s story shatters the myth of innate talent and emphasises the importance of hard work and dedication. His transformation from a hobbyist drummer to a YouTube sensation was fuelled not by sudden skill but by a resolute shift in mindset.

He teaches us that success is not about momentary intensity but consistent effort over time. His journey underscores the need to banish self-doubt and understand that our idols, too, started with challenges and obstacles. In essence, Siberiano’s message is clear: with determination, a steadfast mindset, and relentless effort, we all have the potential for greatness.
