
The Power of Perspective | Recognising the roots of behaviour.

Throughout your life, you will have many different experiences. If you are willing to learn from them, you can only use the wisdom you have gained thus far.

Upon discovering this concept, one may realise ill intent from another is often not voluntary. It is only the result of a different perspective that you may not have considered.

When we encounter someone who behaves distressingly, do we accept it as truth, or can we redirect their projection by writing a new script into our conscience?

Similar beginnings, different outcomes

The true beauty of life is that every human came from an embryo that morphed and multiplied from the consummation of cells gifted from our parents.

Formed in our mother’s womb, the unique DNA of both our parents converge, and our bodies start to take shape, assuming those recognisable features. We are fed hormones and life force from our mothers, and this is where our life starts deviating from life’s fundamental building blocks.

An artistic interpretation of a mothers love and connection to her growing embryo.

We feel when they feel, smile when they smile, and worry when they worry. None of the experiences that happened during this time are memorable. Still, miraculously, our bodies retain the pattern of emotions unconsciously.

The beginning of life for every human happens this way, yet before we are conscious, the experiences we receive are so vastly different that no one, except twins, is born with identical beginnings.

Learning through imitation

We show signs of consciousness as early as two months after entering this world. Slow development of image recognition and memory gets us through early life.

The events during this time give us experiences that form the foundation of our early character. Through imitation, we learn to constantly examine our outer world, testing and playing with nature and gravity and picking up gestures, expressions, and habits from our caregivers.

When you engage and smile towards a baby in a safe and relaxed environment, the most common response is to get a lovely, wide-open-mouthed smile.

This is imitation; your energy and facial expression affect that child’s consciousness.

In every moment like this, they learn that smiling is connected to a safe, happy environment, and the facial communication we humans share is a lovely wide grin. In this moment, they feel security, happiness and serenity. Repeated exposure to that sensation will reinforce that sense of security over time.

Conversely, if the child is repeatedly exposed to neglect and bitterness, this exposure will traumatise the infant, leading to a life of pain and sorrow. A form that takes extreme grit and determination to heal from in later years.

Reframing the situation

Some people, unfortunately, don’t get to reconcile this early abuse and neglect, and it permeates throughout their lives, creating ripples of hurt that spread through every interaction they make.

Either consciously or unconsciously, this happens, and it is down to the observer to understand what is happening and not let that ripple affect their internal state, stopping the permeation of negative, destructive energy.

Your experience feels like the emotion you observe in the other person. It’s reflected or sometimes enhanced by its overwhelming energy. For example, being met with anger, spite, or jealousy will feel like an attack. Retaliating with defensiveness will shield you but only sour the experience for yourself and others.

With this reactivity, you have consciously chosen to continue the ripple of negative energy. As it carries with you throughout your day and into other interactions you may have.

With one simple reframe, the ripple is stopped there and then. Never to permeate the strings of consciousness that connects all sentient beings.

The reframe goes as follows, “This person is acting with the sum of their past, within the context of their lived experience. If I understand the situation differently, it is down to my own experience and the context of the issue. How wonderful is it that we may have such a difference of opinion, and what can I learn from this situation and the beautiful person before me?”.

Your internal words may change, but the principle is essential to understanding the power of perspective. We are all different, and it’s a beautiful coincidence of evolution that life carries a consciousness. Let us treat all lives with care and compassion, as it may benefit us in the future.



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